This coming March, the City of Holland’s Human Relations Commission will run a city-wide program that addresses the lack of diversity in children’s literature. Diversity Rocks the Book 2019 will:
- Donate more than 500 diverse picture books, chapter books, and middle grade novels to Holland students;
- Provide professional Training for City Teachers on Monday, February 25 at the Holland Museum
- Send guest readers to City classrooms during the month of March
- Provide resources to parents on the importance of bringing diverse books into the home environment.
Diversity Rocks the Book launched in 2018. In its first year, the program distributed 84 books to public and charter schools within the city and 19 guest readers visited 22 classrooms and reached more than 700 students.
Thanks to generous support from Herman Miller Cares, this year’s program will be expanded to include newly selected titles for preschool, elementary and now middle school students at Holland Public Schools, Black River Public School, Vanderbilt Charter Academy, and the Head Start and Great Start Readiness Programs in the city.
You can learn more about this books selected, how to become a guest reader, and the training and resources provided here. Also, follow along on Facebook for more information and updates.